New generation Solargis Evaluate: data, PV design & simulation, analysis, and reports in one cloud-based solution. Discover more ->
Understanding how your PV power plant is performing against expectations, months or years after it starts operating, is an important part of optimizing your asset.
Our PV Performance Assessment report performs this analysis and can also provide a revised and more accurate long-term PV energy yield estimate for the purposes of refinancing or new asset acquisition.
We compare the actual PV power production and performance ratio for a given period with simulated values for P50 (best estimate) and P90 (conservative estimate) scenarios.
These simulated values are based on our satellite-derived irradiance and meteorological inputs for the comparison period and our proprietary simulation tools and models.
We undertake a detailed inspection of the actual production data to identify reasons for underperformance.
Where possible, we provide recommendations on what you can do to improve performance.
Energy yield estimates in the pre-construction stage have higher uncertainties, both for weather inputs and estimation of losses.
We analyze solar irradiance, meteorological, and production data from the power plant to improve the accuracy of solar and weather inputs and PV energy yield simulation settings. These adjustments help you reduce the uncertainty and inaccuracy of long-term energy statistics.
We regularly analyze actual vs simulated PV production for large- and utility-scale PV power plants across the globe. This helps us fine-tune our models and more precisely estimate energy losses.
This web service provides recent historical data for solar power plants in operation.
The API provides flexibility to request solar radiation, meteorological parameters for various time aggregations.
You can also receive PV energy production data when you provide configuration of a PV energy system in your data request.