New generation Solargis Evaluate: data, PV design & simulation, analysis, and reports in one cloud-based solution. Discover more ->
Operational solar power plants require systematic performance monitoring to ensure they are delivering against expectations. With Solargis, you can compare your power plant's actual performance to predictions made during the design phase.
This will help you uncover potential long- or short-term issues if the real output does not match expectations.
If a plant is underperforming, you need to find out why the actual output does not match the expectations.
Solargis can help you determine if lower production is caused by weather or solar conditions or another issue such as equipment failure or technical problems.
This will give you the certainty to go ahead and make adjustments.
In the past, operators of large PV plant portfolios lacked unified reporting where they could compare “apples to apples” and present the results to the executive team in an easy-to-understand way.
Solargis provides continuous performance reporting for your bank, investors, and other stakeholders so they can see how the project is progressing.
The reports come in the same format and with the same parameters, making it easy to compare the performance of multiple sites in your portfolio.
Data-driven insights from our PV Performance Assessment report conducted after months or years of the plant's operation will help you optimize its performance.
The report also provides a revised and more accurate long-term energy yield estimate for refinancing or new asset acquisition purposes.
The PV Variability & Storage Optimization Study delivers statistical data and insights to project developers needed for designing and managing PV-plus-storage systems.
The study provides the most realistic data on PV power generation for grid integration analysis.
This web service provides recent historical data for solar power plants in operation.
The API provides flexibility to request solar radiation, meteorological parameters for various time aggregations.
You can also receive PV energy production data when you provide configuration of a PV energy system in your data request.
Shift Energy Japan uses Solargis Monitor as a replacement for the scarce, publicly available data to track and assess its projects’ financial performance and deliver key insights into operations.
In this webinar, we will present how 1-minute granularity data can also help with optimal sizing of batteries and replacement strategy— even during the initial design phase.
Solargis has analyzed the annual performance of solar irradiance for 2023, revealing the trends and variations of solar irradiance across the globe.
Projects supported by our bankable solar & meteo data, software, and services every year
Years of experience with solar projects and improving industry standards
Coverage of the world’s population with 30 years of solar and meteorological data